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Nationality and Universality:Cultural Consciousness and Fusion of Horizons in Mo Yan's Novels from an Intercultural Perspective

作者:Zhou; Jinghui; Nie; Yingjiemonovelsinterculturalnatureculturalconsciousnessfusionofhorizons

摘要:Within the structure of globalisation,the field of world culture faces challenges that are manifested in the decline of national culture and the crisis of homogeneity of world culture.In this case,world culture should be promoted as a viable path to prosperity and development if it is done on the basis of adhering to the higher consciousness of national culture,developing intercultural dialogue,with the intention forming a situation of mutual learning and promoting the fusion of horizons.The Chinese Culture,Qilu genetic code and native writing embody Mo Yan’s conscious adherence to national culture,his thorough knowledge of “Seeking Roots” and “Vanguard”,the fusion of national and international characteristics and the integration of his hometown and other countries.These show his enthusiasm and courage in launching intercultural dialogue and reaching towards the fusion of horizons.How to face cultural challenges under this changing world pattern?The successful experience of Mo Yan’s novels provides us with vivid examples.



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