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On the Construction and Representation of Chinese Cultural Identity:From an Intercultural Perspective

作者:Li; Chuanculturalidentityconstructioncommunicationinterculturalperspective

摘要:Cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group.Individual,relational and communal identity are the three components of the cultural identity.Chinese cultural identity is an example of communal identity.A positive national cultural identity enhances national prestige,increases global understanding,reveals a unique value proposition and develops a competitive advantage in the world.However,in the wave of globalization and contemporary Chinese social transformation,Chinese cultural identity encounters some challenges.Cultural identity becomes fuzzy.The present paper attempts to make some suggestions to the construction and representation of Chinese cultural identity from an intercultural perspective.To construct Chinese cultural identity,we should try to accommodate Chinese cultural inheritance with contemporary culture and modern society,enhance full development of cultural products,rebuild people’s self-esteem on cultural identity,and improve the government’s identity-constructing ability.As for the representation of Chinese cultural identity,promoting the Chinese language,making use of mass media,performing national cultural identity in sports,encouraging heritage tourism and drawing upon other countries’ experience would be essential.



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