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On the Choice of the Path for the Development of the Rule of Law in China:From the Perspective of Improving the Rule of Law Quality by Promoting the Substantive Rule of Law

作者:Gu; Rongxinformalruleoflawsubstantivequalityecologydevelopment

摘要:The continuous debate on the formal rule of law and the substantive rule of law in the construction of the rule of law in China not only affects the understanding of the connotation of the rule of law in China,but also the choice of the path for the development of the rule of law in China.In the new stage of “comprehensively advancing the Law-Based Governance of China”,the process of “comprehensively advancing the Law-Based Governance of China” is also a process of continuously improving the rule of law quality in China.And from this perspective,the relationship between the formal rule of law and the substantive rule of law has got a new meaning.Promoting the substantive rule of law is an important way to realize the development of the rule of law and improve the quality of the rule of law.At the same time,the promotion of the substantive rule of law should follow the “people-centered” nature of the rule of law and the objective is conducive to the promotion of the rule of law and the formation of the “rule of law ecology”.



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