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Study on Countermeasures to Enhance the Influence of Chinese Culture Under “The Belt and Road” Initiative

作者:Li; Qiufangthebeltandroadinitiativeenhanceinfluenceofthechineseculturecountermeasures

摘要:“The Belt and Road”(abb.B & R) Initiative reflects the essence of Chinese traditional culture -“harmony is precious”.Although the countries along B&R share the cultural legacy of the ancient silk roads,the economic development,ethnic characteristics and religious beliefs of the countries today vary dramatically.Since the beginning of the new century,China has carried out the strategy of “Going Global” in culture,striving to enhance the radiating power of Chinese culture in the world and the power of influence at the international level.Starting from exploring resources of publicity from B&R areas,developing counterpart cultural products,expanding channels of communication,improving service facilities and other strategies,the country has developed and improved channels for cultural communication and is striving to establish a new system of all-round,multi-level and effective communication.Meanwhile,under the support of international cultural organizations and institutions,by making good use of international platforms,the country hopes to explore new development concepts and models of Chinese culture,and to promote cultural identity between different regions,to enhance the international influence of national culture through its active participation in national cultural activities and active identification to the junction point.



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