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Cognitive Interpretation of Confucian Righteousness

作者:Duan; Youguo; Peng; Hongrighteousnessmoralessenceordervalueresponsibilitymodernsignificance

摘要:According to traditional Confucianism,righteousness means obligation,goodness,courtesy,and responsibility.As a basic component of Confucian thoughts,it is closely related to other Confucian virtues,like benevolence,courtesy,filial piety,faith,etc.Meanwhile,righteousness was practiced and proved to be significant in governing a country in several states of Pre-Qin period.It still works nowadays.In connotation,righteousness not only means ethical order between human beings,but also highlights the value system stressing morality,still it underlines humane responsibility of obligation being intrinsic quality.Therefore,righteousness plays an important role in modern society.Apart from helping to establish favorable profit conception to promote individual realm of life,it also helps to promote an upright and clean social environment and build harmonious socialist society.



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