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A Study of Xi Jinping Thought on Governing the Country Based on the Unity of “Party Spirit-People’s Nature”

作者:Li; Kaitheunityofpartynaturegoverningcountryxijinpingthought

摘要:The unity of “party spirit-people’s nature” is the basic proposition of Xi Jinping’s governance.Deng Xiaoping summarized the experience and lessons in the early days of reform and opening up,and put forward the basic line of the “leadership and unity” of the party in the early stage of socialism around “one center,two basic points”;Xi Jinping’s so-called “unification”,which is based on the the basic line of Deng Xiaoping’s initial stage of building a socialist country that is “rich,strong,democratic,civilized,harmonious and beautiful”,has further established the importance of “people as the center” and “party’s leadership”.Therefore,the “people-centered” and “the party’s overall leadership” are unified and become the basic idea of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s governance of the country.Xi Jinping has put forward the unity of “party spirit-people’s nature”,the “consistency” between governing the country and politics,and the “integration” between the people’s interests and the party’s leadership,thus forming “persistence”,“comprehensive”,“confidence”,“maintenance” and other assertions.



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