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Contributions of Overseas Chinese Merchants in South Seas to the Development of Shanghai’s International Trade in Modern Times

作者:Zhang; Xiaobing; Zhang; Guoyioverseaschinesemerchantsinsouthseasshanghaiinternationaltrade

摘要:Chinese Merchants in South Seas play a significant role in Shanghai’s internationaltrade development,they innovated varied trade models in Shanghai’s business markets open to South Seas.With their effort,South Seas has become the most important export market for the light industry of Shanghai since the 1920s,which stimulated immediate advances in Chinese national industries and in other related fields such as insurance and marine transportation,etc.In addition,their financial investment and sponsorship of local schools allowed overseas Chinese merchants to have a deep involvement in Shanghai’s economy.With the power of trade unions,they promoted the modernization of Shanghai’s international trade mechanism and boosted the trade contacts between Shanghai and South Seas.



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