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The Cultivation of Cultural Consciousness in Intercultural Communication

作者:Yang; Xianpinginterculturalcommunicationthecultivationofculturalconsciousnessandstrategycompetence

摘要:With the development of China’s economy,the improvement of international influence,the adoption of “Belt and Road” strategy and the continuous development of foreign exchanges,the demand for intercultural communication is increasing with the growth of international interaction.Chinese people are the main force of international communication in the future and we will shoulder the important duty of spreading Chinese culture.So it is very important to cultivate people’s competence of intercultural communication.The competence refers to not only the language itself but also the bilateral cultures.The paper firstly implies the significance of intercultural awareness under the background of “Belt and Road” strategy.The second part is related to the literature review of intercultural communication.And it goes to the achievements of “Belt and Road” and the strategies of cultivating intercultural consciousness.According to the research,one point should be clear,that is,the cultivation of cultural consciousness is very important in intercultural communication in the progress of “Belt and Road”.



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