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How China’s Belt and Road Initiative Promises to Bring Harmonious Development to the World

作者:Zhao; Chongjun; Huang; Yongliangharmoniousdevelopmentbeltandroadinitiativebeijingconsensuswashingtoninternational

摘要:With the economic rise of China,Chairman Xi Jinping has been backing the ambitious“Belt and Road Initiative”(BRI)to connect China with the world via land and maritime networks,strengthening the role of China as an effective global power spreading investment and prosperity.The BRI was unveiled under the banner-“harmonious development”,however,many viewed the expansion of Chinese influence as a threat to the US hegemony better known as“Washington Consensus”.This paper focused on the economic and political opportunities arising from the BRI plan,and moreover,interpreted how the“Beijing Consensus”promised to promote world develpment.



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