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Preliminary Discussion on the Evolution of the Food Pattern of Human Society

作者:Zhang; Jian; Fu; Huaquanfoodcollectingagricultureanimalhusbandryfishingpatternhistoricaldevelopment

摘要:Human food consists of 2 major parts:plants and animals.Primitive people collected food by fishing,hunting and gathering,and later they developed primitive agriculture and animal husbandry about near to 10 thousand years ago.Due to different natural conditions,the distribution of plants,wild animals which were suitable for domestication are unbalanced in the world;therefore species of domesticated crops and animals vary throughout the world,which leads to the differences in the food patterns of human society.The Great Discovery of Geography ushered in the ear of exchanges among people,one of which is the exchange in agriculture.Crops from America were introduced to the old continent while poultry and livestock of the old continent were also brought to America;later,domesticated crops and animals were spread to the newly-discovered Oceania.Since then,the differences in people’s food pattern have begun to narrow down and started on the path to convergence,and the whole process is basically a saddle-shaped development.



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