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An Analysis on Antarctic Fisheries Management Regime and China’s Response

作者:Zou; Leileiantarcticfisheriesmanagementconventionontheconservationofmarinelivingresourceshighlightschallengeschina

摘要:Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources acts as the executive body for Antarctic fisheries management with Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources(CAMLR Convention)as the legal framework.As the only multilateral agreement for the comprehensive management of Antarctic marine living resources,CAMLR Convention has received a wide international recognition.This paper analyzes the highlights of CAMLR Convention in Antarctic fisheries management,namely,open access to membership,sophisticated institutional structure,capability of keeping pace with the times,diplomatic wisdom,measures against IUU,advanced fisheries management philosophies,etc.Meanwhile,Antarctic fisheries management also encounters challenges,which should be addressed in the process of exploration.China is an important fishing state at Antarctic Ocean.Investigation for Antarctic fisheries resources and research into its exploitation are of significant importance for China,which calls for the establishment of China’s Antarctic fisheries policy.



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