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Escape as a Mode of Existence:On Ruan Ji' s Escapism Complex

作者:Qu; Jingyiescapeandescapismruanji阮籍escapistimagerycomplex

摘要:Scholarly research regarding Ruan Ji阮籍 has predominantly revolved eitheraround his five -word Yonghuai Poetry (Poems from my Heart, 詠懷詩). From the per-spective of Escape and Escapism, the paper we call the imagery in Ruan Ji' s poetry, includinghis Fu - Poetry, four - word Poems as well as five - word poems, is escapist imagery. Ruan Jihas a kind of escapism complex which the paper talks over by case studies ,i. e. "Dongping fu东平赋 ,four -word Poem IX and Poem XIII ,and five -word Poem I and Poem LXXIX tofind a new perspective to read Ruan Ji. This escapism complex is closely connected to RuanJi' s unique mode of existence.



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