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Culture Self- Consciousness in Transmission of Chinese Philosophy from the Perspective of English Globalization -- Taking the Belt and Road Initiative for Example

作者:Wang; Yan; Shi; Wenjunenglishglobalizationchinesephilosophycultureselfconsciousnessthebeltandroadinitiative

摘要:The Belt and Road Initiative contains the aspiration of Chinese nation to pur-sue ideological freedom and desire of strengthening international exchanges and cooperation.This paper takes the Belt and Road Initiative for example, emphasizing the interpretation ofthe inheritance and development of Chinese culture so as to study the importance of CultureSelf - Consciousness in Chinese Philosophy,in the context of English globalization. That is tosay, this paper stresses the spirits and the stand of nation' s demonstration on pursuing peace,cooperation and sustainable development in the civilization continuity from traditional Chinato the contemporary China,with practical philosophic view.



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