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Research on Comparison of Enterprise Financing Efficiency under Layered Background

作者:Yao; Xiaorong; Zhu; Minjie企业融资效率比数据包络分析方法技术效率dea有效松弛变量稳定因素运营能力

摘要:This paper takes the innovative enterprises with substantial financing in2014-2016 as the research sample,uses the foundation layer enterprises under the same conditions as the contrast,and uses the data envelopment analysis to do empirical research. By comparing the comprehensive technical efficiency,pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the sample enterprises and the controlled enterprises,and through the analysis of slack variables of non DEA efficient enterprises,the reasons for the low efficiency and the improvement direction are pointed out. The results show that the financing efficiency of innovation layer enterprises is obviously higher than that of the underlying enterprises,and the financing efficiency has also improved in recent years,but there are still unstable factors,main problem of which is poor operating capacity of funds.



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