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Use of cone-shaped polypropylene mesh for perineal herniorrhaphy in dogs

作者:Kenji; Teshima; Kazushi; Asano; Kumiko...polypropyleneshapedherniamuscularbilateralobturatorsphincterinsertedligamentdiaphragm

摘要:<正>Unilateral or bilateral perineal hernia results from the failure of the muscular pelvic diaphragm,and is commonly observed in male dogs.This study aimed to investigate the outcome of herniorrhaphy technique with the cone-shaped polypropylene mesh in dogs with perineal hernia.1 Materials and Methods Between October 2008 and July 2012,39 dogs(71 perineal hernias)underwent herniorrhaphy with polypropylene mesh(PROLENE MeshJohnson&Johnson)formed in the shape of a cone.The apex of corn-shaped mesh was inserted into the hernia region,and the bottom was sutured to sacrotuberous ligament,internal obturator muscle,external anal sphincter and residual coccygeal muscle.



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