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Enzyme histochemistry studies on the oviduct of Soft-shelled turtle Trionyx sinensis during breeding season

作者:Liu; Haili; Yang; Ping; Bian; Xunguang...breedingciliaatpasespermepitheliumlaminaseasonalkalineenzymescatalase

摘要:We used tissue staining method to observe the distribution of alkaline phosphatase(ALP),acid phosphatase(ACP),carbonic anhydrase(CA),ATPase,catalase(CAT)in the oviduct of soft-shelled turtle Trionyx sinensis during the breeding period The results showed that:these enzymes were observed in the oviduct of soft-shelled turtle Trionyx sinensis during breeding period,but the distribution and strength of reactions in each region were different.ALP mainly distributed in the wall of vascular cytoplasm of glands,stronger positive reaction showed in the uterus and the site of sperm storage.ACP mainly distributed in the epithelium and glands.CA appeared in cilia lining epithelium and glands from lamina propria,while the place of sperm storage showed weak response to these areas.CAT showed positive results in glands from different regions,especially,the gland from sperm storage tube(SST).Strong positive reaction of ATPase were observed in epithelial cilia and gland from lamina propria in different regions.These results suggest these enzymes have functions on egg formation,transportation and sperm storage.



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