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ESP Materials to Develop Students’ Learning Autonomy

作者:Joyce; MERAWATI; BR; Desutama; Rachmat...esplearningautonomymaterialsforcivilengineering

摘要:English is a compulsory subject and given only one or two semesters at tertiary education in Indonesia. This subject is to help the students read and access various information to enrich their main subjects during their study and prepare for their professionals in the future. However,some studies find that these English classes are boring because the materials are not useful for the students. Based on need analysis,the non-English department students wish the lecturers to provide materials in line with their majoring subjects.This paper discusses the characteristics of the materials developed by means of action research together with a subject lecturer and a class of civil engineering students at Politeknik Negeri Bandung(Polban),a state polytechnic in Indonesia. Two of the characteristics concerning with the thinking framework of the civil engineering students and the themes of the materials were also considered.These materials have been tried out for two semesters, and the results indicated that the students’ learning autonomy develops. After using the materials for four weeks(150 minutes a week),the students attempted to select types of materials that needed to be discussed in the class and those uploaded into e-learning programs so that they were able to access,prepare the materials for the next class and learn these materials outside the class.



