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Orchid Pavilion School of Calligraphy in Shaoxing

作者:Lei; Yanping; Li; Jie; Xu; Wenchaopavilionsouthwestmount

摘要:Orchid Pavilion School of Calligraphy,set up in 2004 as part of Shaoxing University,lies at the foot of Mount Lanzhu,about 12 kilometers southwest of Shaoxing City.The region is called Orchid Pavilion,where Wang Xizhi(303-361),presumably the greatest Chinese calligrapher in history,lived and wrote the famous Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion,a masterpiece in both prose and calligraphy.Orchid Pavilion is a pilgrimage destination for calligraphers from all over China.The school is also a place where foreigners with a passion for Chinese calligraphy study and pick up the ancient penmanship.Over the past five years,the school has trained over 2,000 international students.In no other places in Shaoxing can you find so many international students.“These international calligraphers are like seeds.They disseminate Chinese calligraphy all over the world,”says Dong Shuzhan,a calligrapher and assistant to the director of the school.



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