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(De) Constructing Sentences

作者:Ewa; Dabrowska语言学语言理论语言规划分类

摘要:Lexically specific units,i.e.,formulaic frames(Where’s Daddy? What’s Mummy doing?) and frames with slots(e.g.Where’s NP? Do you want to VP?) are known to play a central role in language acquisition.Could such mechanisms also account for adult production? I argue that the types of representations and production mechanisms that constructivist language researchers have postulated for children can also explain the basic mode of adult language use,i.e.informal conversation.Viewing adult language in such terms not only captures the continuity between child and adult usage,but also helps to explain how speakers are able to produce and understand language as fast as they do: using preconstructed chunks saves processing effort.Arguably,adults also have more abstract linguistic representations.These,however,are acquired relatively late in acquisition,largely as a result of experience with written texts,and may not be acquired by all speakers.



《外国语》(CN:31-1038/H)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《外国语》作为语言学和外国语言文学的专业性刊物,已被国务院学位委员会办公室和北京图书馆认定为中文社科类优秀刊物之一,是我国最早被美国“现代语言学会(MLA)”选作为世界语言类主要期刊、并摘录每期主要内容的语言研究类刊物。
