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An Interview with Professor Stefan Collini


摘要:Stefan Collini is professor of intellectual history and English literature at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Clare Hall. Among his works are: Public Moralists (1991); Matthew Arnold, A Critical Portrait (1994), and English Pasts (1999). He has also edited works by John Stuart Mill, Matthew Arnold, C.P. Snow, and Umberto Eco. In his interview, he does not believe that Snow's Two Cultures has any important direct relation to literature, but he thinks that F.R. Leavis is a far more important and rewarding figure than Snow. He claims that there is always a tendency for ″moral″ criticism to underplay the significance of matters of form and to undervalue the lighter genres. He also talks about how to understand the literary criticism and theory, the methodology for literary study and comparative literature studies. In this interview, he gives some advice to Chinese literary graduates how to understand the literary theory and criticism, and how to do literary studies.Professor Stefan Collini, FBA, (English Faculty, University of Cambridge) works principally on the relations between literature and intellectual history in the 19th and 20th centuries. He is the author of Liberalism and Sociology (1979), That Noble Science of Politics (1983), Public Moralists (1991), Matthew Arnold: A Critical Portrait (1994), and English Pasts (1999); he has edited works by J.S. Mill, Matthew Arnold, Umberto Eco, and C.P. Snow; and he has recently published essays on T.S. Eliot, F.R. Leavis, George Orwell, Raymond Williams, cultural criticism, the category of ″non-fiction prose″, the idea of the ″non-specialist public″, and the historical development of the concept of ″culture″. He is currently completing a book on The Question of Intellectuals in 20th-century Britain, and his research interests include ″Condition-of-England″ writing, social criticism, literary journalism, the history of literary criticism, and ideas of culture.



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