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Numerical solution for dynamics of pneumatic DTH hammer system


摘要:The pneumatic down-the-hole(DTH) hammer is one of the efficient equipments used in medium hard to very hard rock drilling frield,and any change in its structure design affects all performance parameters of a pneuamtic DTH hammer directly.Yet,owing to the complexity of the dynamic interaction among the components in DTH hammer systems,until now it has been difficult to obtain reliable estimates of the design parameter affects.Thus providing an design parameter optimization and the layout of dynamics behavior of DTH hammer is of great importance.This paper documents the development and solution of a computational model for the dynamic response of a pneumatic DTH hammer.The model consists of rigid piston dynamics equation and chamber thermodynamics equations.The resulting model represented by a set of coupled nonlinear differential equations were computed in Visual C++ program.The developed solutions are used to perform a parametric study to illustrate the inffluence of the piston mass and supply pressure on the impact performance of DTH hammer system.



《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》(月刊)创刊于1957年,由中国地质调查局主管,地质出版社;中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所主办,CN刊号为:11-5063/TD,自创刊以来,颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《探矿工程》现已更名为《钻探工程》。
