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作者:潘文卿; 马晓慧产业间贸易竞争力指数产业内贸易指数中国日本美国贸易关系

摘要:Based on the inter-industrial and intra-industrial theories and by analyzing data from 1992 to 2002 of Sino-Japanese and Sino-American trades, this paper estimates the competitiveness of Chinese products and the evolution of China's intra-industrial trades with Japan and U.S. It is found that in bilateral trades with these two countries, China has similar comparative advantage and disadvantage in many products, and presents an increasing trend in certain number of products, especially industrial ones. While interindustrial trade plays a major role in China's trade with both Japan and U. S, the intra-industrial scale is enlarging. It should also be noted that Sino-American trade scale is significantly larger than that of SinoJapanese trade.



