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生殖医学 2006年第B10期杂志 文档列表

Effects of leptin and neuropeptide Y on function of human ovarian granulosa cells in vitro第1-5页
关键词: 神经肽;  卵巢;  粒层细胞;  人体;  
Effects of IGF- Ⅱ and TGF-β1 on invasiveness of placental trophoblast cells in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome第6-10页
关键词: 胎盘;  营养细胞;  妊娠;  高血压;  
Effect of pretreatment with compound cyproterone acetate-metformin combination on the outcome of ovulation induction in the infertility women with polycystic ovarian syndrome第11-14页
关键词: 去乙酰环丙氯地孕酮;  女性;  不孕;  多囊卵巢综合征;  治疗方法;  
Inhibin alpha gene G769A mutation in Chinese women with premature ovarian failure第15-17页
关键词: 抑制素;  基因;  卵巢功能早衰;  治疗方法;  
Integrative treatment in endometriosis第18-23页
关键词: 子宫内膜异位;  女性;  治疗方法;  临床分析;  
Analysis on the reproductive health situation of unmarried floating young women in cities第24-27页
关键词: 生殖健康;  女性;  保健知识;  性生活;  
A retrospective study on estrogen or contraceptives in the treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleeding in adolescent patients第28-33页
关键词: 雌激素;  避孕工具;  子宫;  患者;  
Cytogenetic analysis of patients with amenorrhea第34-37页
关键词: 闭经;  女性;  细胞分析;  临床分析;  
Molecular genetic analysis of microdeletion on AZF/DAZ gene in patients with idiopathic azoospermia and severe oligozoospermia in Fujian第38-42页
关键词: 分子遗传分析;  基因;  无精子;  治疗方法;  男性;  生殖健康;  
The application of vitrification in human blastocyst cryopreservation. Analysis of clinical outcome of 117 cycles第43-47页
关键词: 胚泡;  深低温保藏法;  临床分析;  晶胚;  
Study of drug control over postoperative hemorrhage after selective caesarean section第48-52页
关键词: 药物控制;  剖腹产;  产后出血;  治疗方法;  
Clinical analysis of abdominal wall endometriosis in 101 cases第53-58页
关键词: 子宫内膜异位;  治疗方法;  临床分析;  手术治疗;  
Evaluation of surgical resection of pulmonary metastasis of trophoblastic tumor第59-64页
关键词: 胚胎;  肿瘤;  治疗方法;  临床分析;  
Body mass index versus percentage body fat in Chinese, African-American and Caucasian postmenopausal women第65-68页
关键词: 女性;  绝经;  生殖健康;  体脂肪;  
Correlative analysis between abnormal cervical cytology and pathology of vaginoscopic biopsy or conization第69-73页
关键词: 子宫颈肿瘤;  细胞学;  病理学;  活组织检查;