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Preparation and characterization of solid dispersions of Quercetin with PEG4000


摘要:Objective To enhance the solubility,quicken the speed of digesting and absorption,and increase the bioavailability of quercetin(3,3’,4’,5,7-pentahydroxyflavone).Methods A series of Quercetin-PEG4000 solid dispersions were prepared by fusion method.The configuration and property of solid dispersion were characterized by solubility tests,dissolution tests,FTIR spectra,differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)and microphotograph.Results 1.According to solubility tests the the mass ratio of quercetin to PEG4000 affected strongly on the solubility of solid dispersions,on the whole,the relation of the solubility of solid dispersions to the mass ratio presented linear relationship.The preparation temperature had little effect on the solubility of solid dispersions.The surface-active agent,polysorbate80 increased strongly the solubility of solid dispersions.2.According to the dissolution tests,the mass ratio of quercetin to PEG4000 affected strongly on the dissolution of solid dispersions,the preparation temperature had little effect on the dissolution of solid dispersions.The surface-active agent,polysorbate80 increased strongly the dissolution of solid dispersions,and after addition polysorbate80,the dissolution of solid dispersions was two times of the dissolution of solid dispersions without polysorbate80.3.According to the DSC results,except that a little of quercetin molecular existed as crystalline state in the solid dispersion with the mass ratio was qu:PEG=1:2,quercetin existed as amorphous phase in other mass ratio solid dispersion.4.According to the FTIR spectra and microphotograph results,the relation of quercetin and PEG4000 was mainly physical mixing in quercetin-PEG4000 solid dispersion.Quercetin was just like solute in solution,and PEG4000 was just like solvent in solution.The force between quercetin and PEG4000 was mainly hydrogen bonding,so the biological activity of quercetin would not be influenced greatly after the formation solid dispersion.Conclusions These results suggest that quercetin existed



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