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Protective effect of Xanthoceraside on injuried PC12 cells in vitro


摘要:Objective To investigate the protective effect of Xanthoceraside on various injured PC12 cells models and to indicate the mechanism of Xanthoceraside therapying dementia.Methods Four injured PC12 models induced by glutamate,hydrosulfurous sodium,sodium nitroprusside and potassium chloride accordingly were used to assay the effect of Xanthoceraside on PC12 cells by using morphological examination and MTT assay.In addition,in the model of glutamate injury,the Lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)and the lipid peroxidation products malondialdehyde(MDA)were measured by a spectrophotometric method,reactive oxygen species(ROS)generation were measured with flow cytometry.Results It was found that Xanthoceraside could obviously increase the viability of PC12 cells injured by four injury models.Xanthoceraside could also decerase the levels of LDH release,MDA production,and ROS generation induced by glutamate.Conclusions These data indicate that Xanthoceraside may provide a useful therapeutic strategy for the treatment of progressive neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease(AD).



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