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Study on Image- denoising of Liquid Column in Investment Casting Auto- pouring System

作者:YANG Huiying DU Wenbinpouringpreprocessingprojectioncameramanualjudgmentmorphologicalstructuringcoordinatesreplace

摘要:The application of investment casting auto-pouring system can improve the efficiency of manual-pouring system to a certain extent.The judgment of start-stop time depends on the preprocessing of original image collected by the CCD camera.Several methods are presented to denoise the liquid column image.The method of morphological image processing is feasible in theory,and it is important whether to choose the structural element or not.The method of pouring image projection is less affected the image of spure cup.The complexity of image window algorithm is minimal.



《沈阳理工大学学报》(双月刊)创刊于1982年,由辽宁省教育厅主管,沈阳理工大学主办,CN刊号为:21-1594/T,自创刊以来,颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《沈阳理工大学学报》以基础理论、应用科学和工程技术为主的综合性学术刊物。主要刊登有创新的科研论文、有创新或有实用价值的研究报告和重要学术问题述评。以促进学术交流,繁荣科学技术,培养科技人才为宗旨。
