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作者:刘丹丹 李文涛 王玲blindsidediscriminationeducationsocietyeconomy

摘要:The Blindside comes from a figure in true life.Michael Oher,a football player of National Football League(NFL)from Memphis,grows up in the ghetto full of violence and robbery.The film follows his impoverished upbringing,goes through his years at Wingate Christian School and finally adopted by a white family-the Touhy’s.The Blind Side is certainly a touching story,but it also displays the issue of racial discrimination in various aspects in modern America.Social and educational discrimination are two major factors that result in all.To break the vicious circle of racial discrimination needs people’s joint efforts.At the same time,helping benefits both the helped and the helper.Leigh Anne Touhy’s family also feel the change and enjoy more meaningful and valuable life.



《思想战线》(CN:53-1002/C)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《思想战线》编辑部在学校领导、院、系的大力支持下,秉承云南大学“会泽百家,致公天下”之校训,广纳天下时贤之宏论,博采四海英杰之大作,力主学术创新和思想原创,倡导学术争鸣和思想交锋,探索问题综合加优势学科的发展模式,更新办刊理念,创新运行机制,努力实现国内一流、国际知名的“名刊”发展目标。
