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Evaluation of Ecological Environment Quality of Typical Forest Parks

作者:Dongmei; ZHANG; Shuzhen; PENG; Weijun;...foresttourismenvironmentalqualityevaluationecologicalenvironment

摘要:Forest tourist areas have an excellent ecological environment,which is conducive to people's physical and mental health.In this study,Fuzhou National Forest Park and Wuying National Forest Park were selected as typical representatives of the southern and northern forest parks,respectively,which were compared by qualitative and quantitative research methods from such five aspects as air quality,climate quality,water environment quality,acoustic environment quality and biological population in some forest areas.The results showed that Fuzhou National Forest Park has a concentration of negative oxygen ions much higher than Wuying National Forest Park,and is thus more conducive to people's health;and it has the characteristics of warm and comfortable climate throughout the year and high biodiversity,but the noise is 4.35 db higher than Wuying National Forest Park,and the water quality is slightly poorer than that of Wuying National Forest Park.And its DO value is about 3.89 smaller in autumn than in summer.In Wuying National Forest Park,the concentration of negative oxygen ions is 53.6% lower than Fuzhou National Forest Park,but it is also above the national standard.The climate is only comfortable in June-August,and is colder or cooler in other months.The water quality is better than that of Fuzhou National Forest Park.In particular,the PH value is about 0.38 lower than that of Fuzhou National Forest Park.It has its own unique biological characteristics.The number of tourists in summer is higher,resulting in higher noise in summer than in autumn.The two forest parks in the north and the south are both good places for people to relax and enjoy.



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