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Dynamic Monitoring and Control Measures of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.Smmith) in Low Latitude Plateau Sugarcane Areas

作者:Xiaoyan; CANG; Rongyue; ZHANG; Jiong; ...lowlatitudeplateauareasspodopterafrugiperdaoccurrencedynamicmonitoringpreventionandcontrolmeasures

摘要:Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E.Smmith) is one of the major migratory pests warned by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).It has been successfully invaded sugarcane and corn in Jinggu,Longchuan,Gengma,Menghai,Yingjiang,Lancang of Yunan Province,China.In view of the great variety of hosts,wide range of habitats and strong migration ability,S.frugiperda has the potential of causing catastrophic threats to sugarcane production.In this paper,we made a systematic introduction to the morphological and biological characteristics of S.frugiperda,analyzed its occurrence situations and occurrence trends in Yunnan of China and other countries around the world,and proposed the control strategies and measures of ecological regulation and control,natural enemies protection and utilization,biological control,pesticide control and adults trapping based on the outbreak characteristics of S.frugiperda and the actual sugarcane production in low latitude plateau areas.



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