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Optimization of Coenzyme Q10 Production Procedure from Rhodobacter sphaeroides Overexpressing UbiE

作者:Kuo; TANG; Zhiping; ZHAO; Li; ZHANG; Z...coq10rhodobactersphaeroidesgeneticengineeringoptimizationfermentation

摘要:In the present study,single factors including inoculation amount,fermentation temperature,fermentation duration and ratio of fermentation medium volume to total flask volume were optimized for enhancing the production of coenzyme Q10 from genetic engineered Rhodobacter sphaeroides overexpressing UbiE.The experimental results suggested that optimal single factors were: inoculation amount 2%,fermentation temperature 30 ℃,fermentation duration 48 h,and fermentation medium volume to total flask volume 80%.The present study will promote the large scale production of CoQ10 from microorganisms.



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