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Comparison,Selection and Progeny Test of Natural Populations of White Birch(Betula platyphylla Suk.)in Northern China

作者:Shibo; LANbetulaplatyphyllanaturalpopulationcomparisonandselectionprogenytestgeneticeffectgain

摘要:[Objectives]This study was conducted to rationally and effectively use natural genetic resources of white birch(Betula platyphylla Suk.),and improve the scientific and technological content of improved varieties.[Methods]With the progeny of the white birch populations naturally distributed in northern China as objects,based on genetic effect analysis and comprehensive evaluation,the genetic variation,heritability and genetic gain of the growth characters in the progeny forest were systematically analyzed,by which populations or individuals with good growth vigor and strong stress resistance and adaptability were finally selected.[Results]There were extremely significant differences in the growth characters between the natural populations of white birch in northern China.The variation was the smallest in tree height,followed by crown width,and largest in DBH,and the average coefficients of variation were 20.56%,32.25%and 33.00%,respectively.The differences in characters between progeny of the same population were also extremely significant.The growth characters of white birch were more controlled by genes,and the genetic gains were larger.The heritability of tree height,DBH and crown width was 0.971,0.816 and 0.576,respectively,and the genetic gains were 15.97%,21.54%and 13.87%,respectively.[Conclusions]With the growth characters as the main evaluation indexes,taking various influencing factors into account,the Shanxi[SX]population,Hebei[HB]population and Liaoning[LN]population were selected to be excellent populations,and LN305,SX516 and HB403 were excellent individuals,which are advised to be widely used in multi-generation genetic improvement breeding.



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