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Breeding of a Natural Green Cocoon Quaternary Hybrid Combination Xiangcailu No.1 for Spring Rearing

作者:Hong; XUE; Junwen; AI; Yanghu; SIMA; X...silkwormxiangcailurecurrentbackcrossbreedingnaturalgreencocoonspringrearingeasyexcellentsilkquality

摘要:The breeding activities aimed to create a natural green cocoon variety for spring rearing with the characteristics of stable natural cocoon color,easy rearing and good silk quality.Four different lines from the excellent silkworm variety Jingsong×Haoyue were taken as recurrent parents,using the natural green cocoon variety G 9202 as donor parent.After other excellent parents were introduced to cross with these different lines,four new breeding materials were selected by recurrent backcross breeding.The characters of these breeding materials showed not only natural green cocoon but also excellent comprehensive traits.A naturally colored cocoon quaternary hybrid with excellent practical characters was selected based on multiple hybrids.It is suitable for spring rearing in Yangtze valley which includes Hunan Province.It was approved by Hunan Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee and designated Xiangcailu No.1 in 2016.



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