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Study on Acute Toxicity of Purified Protein HAS1 Expression in KM Mice

作者:Guoru; XIONG; Gengfeng; ZHAO; Jungang;...bacillussubtilishaspurifiedproteinhas1kmmicetoxicreaction

摘要:[Objectives]The antifungal protein HAS1 newly obtained was evaluated for acute toxicity safety in KM mice according to relevant national regulations,so as to eliminate people s concerns about the safety of transgenic plants.[Methods]The acute toxicity of the purified protein HAS1 was observed by intragastric administration of mice,and the poisoning symptoms,poisoning degree,recovery and death were observed.[Results]No abnormal toxicity symptoms were observed in the test group,the vehicle control group and the blank control group.The main tissues and organs were not abnormal in gross anatomy.The average body weight of each group showed an increasing trend compared with before administration at 1,3,7,11 and 14 d after administration.It was found that after giving the purified protein HAS1 to KM mice at a cumulative dose of 64 mg/kg a day,no obvious toxicity was observed in the acute toxicity test,indicating that the test substance was non-toxic by oral administration.[Conclusions]This study provides a basis for further use of the protein and its coding genes.



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