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Using Urban Landscape Trajectories to Assess Fragmentation in Mountainous Coastal Areas:A Case Study of Shenzhen,China

作者:Fangjun; LIAO; Xiaoming; WANGmountainouscoastalregionurbanlandscapetrajectoryfragmentationeffectdrivingfactorsshenzhen

摘要:Rapid urbanization in mountainous coastal areas causes dramatic changes in land use and land cover(LUCC)for their geographic location.To understand changes in landscape trajectories in such regions,we examined temporal and spatial changes in urban landscapes in Shenzhen,China,a city that has undergone rapid urbanization in recent decades,and investigated the drivers of landscape pattern evolution at different scales from LUCC data from 1985,1995,2005,and 2015.The results show that the landscape of Shenzhen has changed dramatically over the 30 years from 1985 to 2015.The proportion of forest area decreased from 50.81%to 37.81%,while the proportion of construction land increased from 17.83%to 48.28%.The changes in the landscape patterns in Shenzhen were driven mainly by human activity.This study is one of the first to assess landscape dynamics of the rapid urbanization from the angle of mountainous coastal area,which plays an important role in the land use and city regulation of the global coastal mountains.



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