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Spatial Analysis of Rural Landscape Place Names in Anhui Province Based on GIS

作者:Chunyu; LIU; Shanlian; YANG; Mengli; Z...placenamevillagegislandscapeculturespatialanalysisanhuiprovince

摘要:Based on the village-level place names in Anhui Province,the formation mechanism and distribution characteristics of place names were discussed from the aspects of culture and nature using thematic maps obtained with the combination of kernel density estimation and mathematical statistics in GIS.The results showed that the place names of villages in Anhui Province are closely related to the local cultural landscape and natural landscape,and are the products of thousands of years of continuous exploration and cultural exchanges by local people.It not only reflects the relationship between place names and Anhui natural landform and cultural landscapes,but also combines them from different perspectives,reflecting the complexity and similarities of the formation of place names.



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