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Study on Chemical Composition of the Ethyl Acetate Extract of Pratia

作者:Lichun; ZHAO; Chanling; JIANG; Junxiu;...pratiachemicalcompositionflavonoids

摘要:[Objectives]This study was conducted to further reveal the chemical basis of the anti-tumor pharmacological activity of pratia.[Methods]The chemical composition of the ethyl acetate extract of pratia was systematically studied by macroporous resin column chromatography,silica gel column chromatography and Sephadex LH-20 repeated silica gel column chromatography and spectroscopy.[Results]Eight compounds were separated from the ethyl acetate extract of pratia,among which six were identified,namely diosmin (1),diosmetin (2),linarin (3),quercetin (4),apigenin (5) and luteolin (6).All the compounds were separated from this plant for the first time.[Conclusions]This study provides reference for the identification of the physiological activity of pratia.



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