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Preliminary Explanation on "Natural Activation Theory" Based on "Fenlong"

作者:Benhui; Weifenlongtechnologynaturalresourcesactivationtheorylifecommunity

摘要:Based on action mechanism of "Fenlong technology" with the maximum activation potential of global natural resources,"natural resources activation theory"("activation theory") is proposed firstly.Its connotation contains two parts.One is directly activating some natural resources in land,such as unutilized plough bottom of existing cultivated land and soil resources below it,saline-alkali land,degraded grassland,ecological reconstruction of desertification land,inter-row of fruit trees,lawn of sponge city,etc.The other is indirectly activating some natural resources in ground space,such as natural precipitation,solar energy,oxygen,terrestrial eco-environment,soil resources,river waters and even climate change factors.It could release and generate huge physical endogenous force and cyclic force,and increase food source and available water resources,which is favorable for human survival,nature's own ecological balance,harmonious coexistence and balance between man and nature,without harming nature itself.Moreover,its supporting theoretical system is explained from five aspects.It is pointed that the "activation theory" is deep derivation of "Fenlong technology" and "Fenlong science".By sufficiently playing the potential of natural resources,it could reach human-dominated comprehensive balance and coordinated development of air,sunshine,water,soil,nutrient,microorganism,plant,livestock and poultry,marine organism in the nature.The "activation theory" is concrete embodiment of respecting,changing and using the nature,and new channel of realizing sublimation of "life community of human and nature" and benefiting mankind.



《生物技术》(CN:23-1319/Q)是一本有较高学术价值的大型双月刊,自创刊以来,选题新奇而不失报道广度,服务大众而不失理论高度。颇受业界和广大读者的关注和好评。 《生物技术》主要刊登生物技术工程、微生物、医药、农林、食用菌、轻工食品、环保、食用菌及相关生物学领域的研究论文。
