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Countermeasures and Suggestions for Sustainable Development of Water Resources in Xinjiang

作者:Xingping; FENG; Yajiao; LEIxinjiangwaterresourcesnaturaleconomicstatusanalysiscountermeasures

摘要:Water resources utilization degree and utilization pattern in a region largely determine the scale and speed of economic development in the region.The bottleneck of water resources has become one of the prominent problems affecting sustainable development and long-term stability in Xinjiang.Strengthening the rational development and utilization of water resources is the only way to ensure the survival of Xinjiang oasis,stabilize the development space of Xinjiang,and ensure the sustainable development of economy and society.According to the water resources in Xinjiang,it is found that Xinjiang has abundant water resources,high per capita occupancy volume,uneven spatial and temporal distribution of water resources,and increasing water consumption per year.A series of corresponding effective measures have been given to provide reference for the strategy of water resources development and utilization.



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