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Effects of Organic Fertilizers on Tobacco Growth and Heavy Metal Contents in Flue-cured Tobacco

作者:Yunfei; CHEN; Lin; LIN; Jiye; QIANGtobaccoorganicfertilizerheavymetalshealth

摘要:Pb, Cd and As are main heavy metal elements in tobacco leaves in China. Through the application of organic fertilizers in the tobacco area of Pu er City, the effects on tobacco growth and heavy metal contents were investigated. The results showed that the tobacco plants in the treatments applied with organic fertilizers as the base fertilizer grew at a lower rate and had relatively smaller stem girth and leaf number than the treatment applied with the compound fertilizer special for tobacco in early growth period, and the differences between various treatments were not significant. After applying the organic fertilizers, they had a positive effect in reducing heavy metal contents of flue-cured tobacco, and the effect of applying oil cake was better, followed by the treatment of chicken manure plus oil cake. The sole application of chicken manure had a certain effect on the control of Hg, As and Pb, but the Cd content increased. For the areas with high heavy metal levels, the selection of appropriate organic fertilizers has a practical significance to the reduction of heavy metal contents in tobacco leaves.



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