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Effects of Transplanting Date on Growth, Development, Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco in Western Henan

作者:Junzheng; LI; Haiyang; JIANG; Jun; HU;...transplantingdategrowthanddevelopmentchemicalcomponentsquality

摘要:With Yunyan 87 as an experimental material, the effects of different transplanting dates on the growth and development of tobacco plants and the yield and quality of cured tobacco leaves were studied in Lingbao City, Sanmenxia City. With the postponement of transplanting date, the growth period in field was prolonged, and the plant height and leaf area both increased at first and decreased then. TMV, weather fleck and brown spot all showed an incidence and a disease index decreased with the postponement of transplanting date. The total sugar and reducing sugar contents of the cured tobacco leaves from the upper and middle part increased at first and decreased then with the postponement of transplanting date. The main nitrogenous compounds decreased at first and increased then. The economic traits and leaf class were on the decrease.



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