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Construction and Application of High Temperature Heat Damage Index for River Crab Culture in Hongze Lake Beach

作者:Xiang; CHEN; Yuelin; WANG; Xiaojun; ZH...rivercrabhightemperatureheatdamageindexbeach

摘要:Agrometeorology and agricultural statistics methods were used to analyze the cases of high temperature heat damage to crab breeding since 2008 in Hongze Lake Beach, finding that the high temperature heat damage was mainly under the comprehensive effects of the highest temperature, duration of high temperature weather, amount of precipitation and sunshine hours. Based on the function relation between the high temperature heat damage index and the influence factors, the linear model was used to describe the weight coefficient of each heat damage factor by using the synthesis correlation of multiple factors. The historical values of the influencing factors were used to make statistical calculation of the heat damage index model of crab culture in Hongze Lake Beach, which achieved good effects when applied in the meteorological operation of river crab culture.



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