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Effects of Three Kinds of Sewage Sludge on Physiological Characteristics of Flower Plants

作者:Yanyan; HU; Xiang; CHEN; Fuyin; XU; Bi...sewagesludgeheavymetalsflowerphysiologicalcharacteristics

摘要:Effects of dried sludge, digested sludge and composted sludge (obtained from the raw sludge of a large sewage treatment plant in Chongqing City) on the physiological characteristics of Salvia splendens, Tagetes patula and Petunia hybrida were studied. The results showed that the application of sludge could significantly promote the growth of three kinds of flowers and improve their quality. The effects of sludge application rate on the biological characteristics of three kinds of flowers were significant. The optimal application rate of the sludge for the growth of three kinds of flowers was 50%(mass percentage) for S. splendens and 37.5% for P. hybrida and T. patula. The effect of sludge type on the biological characteristics was not significant. However, among the three types of sludge, composted sludge had the highest organic matter content and cation exchange capacity and the lowest salt content, so the improvement of garden soil by composted sludge was relatively significant and safe.



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