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Effects of Soil Improver on Wheat in Saline-Alkali Lands in the Yellow River Delta

作者:Liang; DONG; Shenzhong; TIAN; Zeqiang;...soilimproverlandwheat

摘要:Field experiment carried out to test the effects of soil improver on wheat yield and soil physical-chemical properties. The results indicated that soil improver could optimize soil aggregates structure, decrease soil bulk density, soil pH and soil salt content, increase soil organic matter and 1 000-grain weight, thereby enhancing wheat yield. With the increase of soil improver application amount, soil physical-chemical properties became better and wheat yield increased. However, there was no significant difference in the treatments with the application amounts of 3%, 4% and 5%. In addition, the treatment of reducing nitrogen showed no superiority in soil physical-chemical properties and wheat yield, indicating that sufficient nitrogen was essential for the growth of wheat.



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