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Genetic Evolution Analysis of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

作者:Yu; LIANG; Yanfei; LIU; Jiande; YANGactinobacilluspleuropneumoniaegeneticevolutionphylogenetictreehomologycomparisonoriginrelationship

摘要:In order to explore the genetic evolution of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) in different countries and clarify the relationships among different App in each region, the 16S rRNA gene of App in the NCBI nucleotide database was analyzed and compared by the bioinformatics method. The phylogenetic tree was constructed after tailoring alignment. The results showed that a stable genetic phenomenon was indicated in the evolutionary process of App. The isolates derived from China were clustered and showed a high degree of conservation. They had a certain genetic relationship with the British and American strains, but had far relationship with the strains from Japan which was a neighboring country of China. The isolates from different countries in the Eurasian continent shared high homology. The isolates of the two regions originated from common ancestors.



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