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Optimization of Candida tropicalis Fermentation Conditions to Produce Long-chain Dibasic Acids

作者:Xiang; XIU; Junqing; WANGsynthesisofdibasicacidcandidatropicalisengineeringfungussinglefactorexperimentpbconditionoptimization

摘要:[Objectives] The fermentation conditions of Candida tropicalis 1798- pxa 1 were optimized to further improve its yield of long-chain dibasic acids.[Methods] The strains used in the study were C. tropicalis 1798, C. tropicalis 1798- pxa 1 and C. tropicalis 1798- pxa1p2 . First, through single factor experiments, the activated three fungi were cultured in different carbon sources, and the absorbance was measured every 2h. The growth curve was drawn by software, and finally the most suitable substance for the substrate was selected, i.e., dodecane. Then, the composition of the fermentation medium and the fermentation process parameters were determined through the PB experiment of the single-deletion C. tropicalis 1798- pxa1 .[Results] The experiment determined the important components affecting the synthesis of long-chain dibasic acids, namely (NH4)2SO4, NaCl and dodecane. After optimization of the culture conditions, the yield of long-chain dibasic acids of C. tropicalis 1798- pxa1 increased from 5.6 to 10.1 g/L.[Conclusions] The scheme has been verified to be capable of greatly increasing the yield of the corresponding long-chain dibasic acids of the C. tropicalis engineering strain.



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