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Development Prospects of Processing and Utilization of Longtan Pearl Plum

作者:Zhanwen; HUANG; Mingjuan; LI; Xiangron...longtanpearlplumprocessingandutilizationdevelopmentprospectsproblemssuggestions

摘要:Longtan pearl plum, as a new dominant fruit industry in Guangxi, has developed rapidly in recent years and become one of the major economic sources of fruit growers in Guangxi. It has a positive effect on promoting economic development and helping farmers to get out of poverty in Guangxi. But there is almost nothing to do with the processing and utilization. Taking the route of processing and utilization is an inevitable trend of development of Longtan pearl plum industry with the increase of the planting area and yield year by year. In this paper, based on the analysis of edible value of Longtan pearl plum, the development direction of processing and utilization of Longtan pearl plum was expounded, and some suggestions on the problems existing in the processing and utilization were put forward to provide reference for the processing and utilization of Longtan pearl plum.



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