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Determination of Copper and Lead Contents in Soil of the Yellow River Wetland in Shaanxi Province by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

作者:Xiaoxiang; QIU; Fengfeng; ZHANG; Haizh...flameatomicabsorptionspectrometrywetlandsoilcopperlead

摘要:[Objectives] The contents of copper and lead in the soil of the Yellow River Wetland were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry, which provides a theoretical basis for the treatment of soil pollution.[Methods] The soil was digested with a concentrated nitric acid-hydrofluoric acid-perchloric acid system, and the contents of heavy metals such as copper and lead in the Yellow River Wetland of Shaanxi Province were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.[Results] The correlation coefficients reached 0.999 5 in the range of 0.00-1.00 mg/L, indicating good linearity.[Conclusions] The method is simple in operation, good in reproducibility, high in sensitivity to most elements, and can be widely used.



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