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1-DE/MS Analysis of the Proteins Related to Spathe Color Variation in Anthurium andraeanum ‘Madural’

作者:Le; GAO; Lan; LUO; Chengchen; SHEN; Yi...anthuriumandraeanumflowercolormutantdifferentialproteingelelectrophoresismassspectrometry

摘要:In order to understand the mechanism of spathe color variation in Anthurium andraeanum at the protein level, the leaves, inflorescences and spathes of the wild type and two mutants of A. andraeanum ‘Madural’ were used as research objects in which the differential expression of proteins related to flower color mutants was analyzed by one-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (1-DE/MS). The 1-DE patterns showed that the protein components expressed highly in spathes were mainly concentrated in the molecular weight range of 20-42 kD, and differential bands were detected between the wild type and the mutant, while no significant differences were detected in the leaf and inflorescence proteins. According to the results of mass spectrometry analysis of the differential bands, 21 known functional proteins involved in life processes such as glucose metabolism, resistance, cytoskeleton, gene regulation and signal transduction were identified. It showed that in addition to the influences from anthocyanidins, the spathe color variation of A. andraeanum ‘Madural’ is also regulated by a variety of metabolic pathway-related proteins.



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