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Studies on Removal of Ammonia Nitrogen From Wastewater Using Modified Corncob

作者:Ruigang; WANG; Hangfeng; CHENmodifiedcorncobadsorptionwastewater

摘要:Water pollution caused by ammonia nitrogen is of major concern in many parts of the world due to the danger it poses to the environment and human health.This study focuses on the development of an inexpensive and environmental adsorbent by means of modified corncob.The objective of this paper was to investigate the adsorption behavior of NH+4-N from wastewater by modified corncob.Corncob was modified with KMnO 4.The physico-chemical properties of modified corncob were characterized by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).It was found that the adsorption capacity of corncob was improved significantly after modification with KMnO 4.The pH significantly affected the adsorption efficiency of modified corncob to NH+4-N.The best pH value of corncob adsorbing NH+4-N was 7.The coexistence of Na+had a significant effect on the adsorption of NH+4-N.The adsorption process of modified corncob to NH+4-N followed the pseudo-first order kinetic model.Langmuir model could well simulate the adsorption behavior of NH+4-N on modified corncob.The maximum adsorption capacity of NH+4-N on modified corncob can reach 4.85 mg/g.The adsorption process of NH+4-N was monolayer adsorption.Moreover,modified corncob adsorbed NH+4-N was fertilizer conservation especially for nitrogen.The utilization of modified corncob with NH+4-N adsorption in the farmland could promote the gradual release of nutrients,thus providing nutrients for plant growth.It was proposed that if combined with biological method,the amount of removed NH+4-N from wastewater could be increased significantly.



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