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Effect of Trap Space Layout on Trapped Number of Spodoptera litura in Tobacco Field

作者:Fei; DAI; Xiquan; LI; Xingping; YANG; ...traptobaccofieldspacelayoutspodopteralituratrappednumbereffect

摘要:[Objectives]This study was to find out the effect of trap space layout on the trapped number of Spodoptera litura in tobacco field.[Methods]From 2015 to 2017,investigations were made using different hanging heights,distances(densities)and equidistant plane layout in the tobacco planting area in central Guizhou Province.[Results]The trapped number of S.litura was different at different hanging heights of the trap,and some had the difference reached the 5%significant level in the trapped number.The optimum hanging height was 1.5-2.0 m.The trapping effect was the best at the field layout distance of 20.0-30.0 m(density of 5-8 traps/hm 2).Under the conditions of even distribution at the equal distance between traps of 40.0 m in the field,the accumulated trapped number of S.litura from April to August was in the order of outer ring >central ring >inner ring,presenting the zonal distribution.The difference in the trapped numbers was significant among different rings,reaching the 5%significant level.[Conclusions]This study provided theoretical bases for the physiochemical control of S.litura in tobacco field.



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